Monday, August 11, 2008

Back To School Shopping

Can you believe it is already that time? We did some online shopping which was unbeatable for what we got for the kids. This morning we headed out to Kohl's and Target with our three darlings in tow to try on shoes etc. With their intense personalities, once we established new shoe sizes, J and V reminded us over and over what was needed. "4, 4, 4, Mom, I need a 4." They feel like they have graduated to some prestigious place to be at a 4. Seriously, we bought a 1 or 2 last year, so I was impressed myself. That is some big foot growth. Not to be outdone, the Kohl's person asked my husband 4 times if he wanted a store charge. We don't do them due to a habit I had back in the day. We enjoy avoiding the 27% interest! L got the Hannah Montana shirt she has been begging for and I relented. We all had the "in" thing back in the day. Have to go with it. Could have saved 4 bucks buying it at Target! We made it through Target rather painlessly just around the hundred mark. That signifies an excellent Target trip for us. Last time I was there, I think my total was 24 bucks and I nearly hugged the sales associate. So here are the totals: School shoes and clothes for three active, excited kids: 350.00 New dog toy 8.99 (to keep that dog off my furniture and busy) Smiling parents as the darlings head off to school after a long summer for repeating numbers and interrupting with endless questions: priceless!

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